Letter from the owner...
Located in : The Josephine County
Senior Resource Center
The Renovation Revolution
Re-purposing a 50-year old vacant church is an experience never to be forgotten!
It was very early on that we all began knocking on wood anytime we’d hear, “nothing else can go wrong”. On standby as contractors were peeling back every inch of the building, it revealed damages beyond our wildest imagination – requiring more renovation work and more money, seemingly every day.
Thanks to Michael Cavallaro, Executive Director of the Rogue Valley Council of Governments and Evelyn Kinsella, Executive Director of Food & Friends - two very

committed individuals who are known for serving Southern Oregon, the Josephine County Senior Center became a reality.
Everyone involved in this project is extremely grateful for their dedication! From the foundation to the roof, you can rest assured that we have an almost-new building that would not have been possible without them.
The building was originally purchased and meant to serve as Food & Friends (Meals on Wheels) central meals distribution point for all of Josephine County – the place where volunteers will package the food, load up their cars, and head on out to deliver lunch to the homebound.
But Michael Cavallaro and Evelyn Kinsella recognized that building was more space than Food & Friends (Meals on Wheels) needed.

And that’s when the evolution began to take shape…
Jamie Callahan, Founder and CEO of Team Senior quickly recognized an opportunity to create something unique; a collaborative effort in support of offering senior activities and resources in Grants Pass called Club Sixty. “It was a dream to provide senior services, but finding the right space was our biggest challenge.”
With our combined vision, we all worked tirelessly to raise money and begin down the path of a totally unique concept!
The Josephine County Senior Resource building is the first of its kind in Oregon –
There’s a robust directory of services offered in one place, ranging from in-home care and an adult day care, to activities and entertainment all under one roof. Everyone agrees that this modern concept could be duplicated elsewhere and would likely be very successful in terms of offering a wide variety of on-site services.
It’s hard to believe that it took three long years to get here, but we made it and we’re thrilled to share the story and the experience.